Educational projects
Educational Projects for school leavers and university students
Breton proposes training paths for work placement addressed to school leavers in collaboration with local Technical Institutes, and thesis pathways for undergraduates and PhD students.
Believing in young people with their spirit of curiosity and innovation
Breton invests in young people and is convinced in the potential and value of the future generations to maintain its competitive edge on the market.
The focus on innovation among young people, combined with the know-how developed in sixty years of company history, creates the perfect terrain for continuous evolution.

Value in training, from Breton's perspective
Breton believes in its orientation and training project aimed at steering young people into technical careers. That's why we offer alternative educational pathways to Universities to become a qualified mechatronics technician.
Breton proposes research and thesis projects for undergraduates or PhD students, especially in STEM subjects.
Breton is one of the founding partners of Fondazione ITS Meccatronico Veneto.