Breton Evonix revolutionising the world of multi-disc cutting

Making all other solutions obsolete at once

Taking into account customer needs and the limitations encountered by the competition in recent years, Breton tried to find a mechanical configuration capable of covering the cutting area of an entire slab, even after being moved to the worktable for optimised cutting, in a single pass.


By making the beam 'rotating', i.e. having a maximum usable area between the outer spindles of 4 metres and 50 millimetres.

This solution, which had remained unexplored until now, paved the way for innovative geometries, thus creating 'naturally' faster and more precise cutting strategies

You will discover in five points why Evonix represents a double generational leap in cutting machines:

  • Rotary Bridge
  • Balanced beam
  • Energy and cost savings
  • Direct-drive motors
  • Disc spindles in special light-structured alloy
  • Speaker: null — Breton technologist
  • Language: English

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