Insulation with panelling protects the most heat-sensitive structures such as the bridge and the RAM.

The right solution for preventing structure deformations
Exposure of a section of the machine or the entire machine to thermal shock can greatly impair its performance. Breton devised the patented Thermal Shield system, which makes it possible to protect machine structures from sudden temperature changes or gradients due to ambient temperature changes.
Breton Thermal Shield
Reasons why
Preventing deformation caused by temperature changes
The parts exposed to the heat sources experience a more abrupt temperature change than the rest of the machine, thus creating stress in the structures with consequent geometrical deformations.
The ThermalShield system protects structures from sudden temperature changes thanks to the use of two technological solutions:
- Structural insulation by means of panels means temperature changes of machine parts are greatly reduced (approximately 1/5) and far slower than in surrounding areas.
- A closed circuit internal ventilation system of unit structures that allows temperature uniformity with differences in the order of a few tenths of a degree.
Combining these two technologies allows the machine structures to adapt to temperature changes uniformly, reducing torsional deformation effects and transforming them into linear deformations that can be controlled by means of compensation techniques.