Smart Factory
Evolve and transform the production system
Breton proposes production process digitalisation and virtualisation solutions in order to optimise the performance of machines and plants, supply predictive data concerning correct operation of the same, planning processes and machining.
Evolved measurement systems
The activities of collecting and analysing information from the production environment, from the process, from intermediate and finished products, by means of modular and configurable software platforms, assure full technological control of processes.

Systematic analysis models
Data are converted into information by means of models of systematic analysis of routine industrial operations to generate knowledge and use it efficiently in the company. This makes it possible to optimise the set-up, reduce down times, reduce maintenance times and, above all, increase profit ability of the plant and finished product quality.
Machine learning
New SW applications make extensive use of AI and machine learning techniques. By means of functional analysis of the relationships existing between the process variables and the characteristic parameters of the finished product, the software can create models to define the machining parameters automatically, together with the recipes, the settings, and the machine control. They make production processes even more efficient and flexible, gradually limiting the number of human interactions.