Breton's philosophy: no compromise between innovation and performance
« Innovation is seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. »
Albert Szent-Györgyi (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1937)
This teaching inspires the culture of innovation rooted in Breton,
a company that shares an open mentality, oriented towards exploration of new horizons and the search for practical solutions to real problems.
The challenge, a two-pronged approach
Breton has created a collaborative process to generate innovation, moving beyond functional organisation to meet and overcome the challenges of a global market that is increasingly demanding in terms of quality and performance.
Innovation in every area
The company dedicates the maximum attention to building an organisation that promotes shared responsibility and empowers people in all areas to act, think, propose, decide, and take responsibility.
To pursue organisational excellence and open leadership, more than ten years ago the company embarked on a new cultural and organisation path: Breton Innoway. This path is based on the culture of continuous improvement and integrates different methods and organisational models in which Breton believes strongly.
To date, the methodologies in the Breton Innoway programme are a blend of experiences and competences that encapsulate all the company’s processes. Lean Thinking and Agile Project Management have been the main bywords in recent years.
Flexible and effective product development
Product development leverages collaboration, flexibility, speed of response and adaptation as key aspects to achieve the objective: more innovation in less time.
Creation of a dedicated team
Each research and development project calls for creation of a dedicated team that includes people with cross-specialisation skills.
Concurrent engineering
Listening to the market
Efficient and result-oriented processes
The Breton organisation is based on the value stream to place the needs of customers at the centre. The company marshals its resources to continuously increase created value and simultaneously reduce or eliminate waste.
Staff working on the same value stream sit side by side to aid cooperation and integration of all the necessary competences to work on complex projects.

People at the centre of continuous improvement
Breton actively involves all its staff, stimulating the adoption of a proactive attitude.
The people working on the process are actors of the continuous improvement process, because they are the first to gain an intimate understanding and benefit from the results of the projects.